Fedorova Tatyana Anatolyevna
Associate Professor of the Department of Higher Plants, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University

Fedorova Lyubov Valeryevna
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Pharmaceutical Natural Sciences of the A.P. Nelyubin Institute of Pharmacy of the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University)

Stepanova Marina Vyacheslavovna
Head of the Department of Bioecology and Biological Safety Russian Biotechnological University

Sitnikova Natalia Vladimirovna
An associate professor at the Institute of Pharmacy of Kazan State Medical University

Serebryanaya Fatima Kazbekovna
Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy, Botany and Technology of Phytopreparations of the Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute - branch of the Volgograd State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor

Povydysh Maria Nikolaevna
State Federal Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saint Petersburg State Chemical and Pharmaceutical University" of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation, D.Sc. (Biology), Ph.D. (Pharm.), Associate Professor

Malankina Elena Lvovna
Professor of the Vegetable Growing Department of the Institute of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture of the Russian State Agrarian University (RGAU-MSHA) named after K.A. Timiryazev

Larionov Maxim Viktorovich
Professor of the Department of Bioecology and Biological Safety of the ROSBIOTEC'H University, Expert of the Russian Academy of Education

Kulikov Dmitrii
Acting Director of the Institute of Biotechnology and Global Health of Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH), Head of the Department of Biotechnology and Technology of Bioorganic Synthesis Products, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian Biotechnological University (ROSBIOTECH), Director of Innovation and Member of the Board of the National Culinary Association of Russia

Kruglov Dmitry Semenovich
Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacognosy and Botany, Novosibirsk State Medical University

Klemper Alexey Vladimirovich
Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy at St. Petersburg Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

Kirsh Irina
Head of the Department of Industrial Design, Packaging Technology and Expertise, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Russian Biotechnological University

Zhokhova Elena Vladimirovna
Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy of St. Petersburg Chemical and Pharmaceutical University

Embaturova Elena Yuryevna
senior researcher at the Scientific and Methodological Department of Invasive Plant Species of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of the All–Russian Scientific Research Institute of Plant Quarantine (FGBI VNIIKR): All-Russian Plant Quarantine Center

Dyakova Nina Alekseevna
Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor

Galenko Marta Sergeevna
Analyst of the department of drug safety expertise, Scientific Centre for Expert Evaluation of Medicinal Products

Antsyshkina Alla Mihaylovna
Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Associate Professor

Astakhova Anna Yurievna
General Director, Express-Eco-Filter LLC

Smirnov Vladimir Bronislavovich
Member of ISPE, Deputy Technical Director, JSC NPK MEDIANA-FILTER

Savchenko Alla Yurievna
Executive Director of Association "Kaluga Pharmaceutical cluster", National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Associate Professor

Ramenskaya Galina Vladislavovna
Director of the Institute of Pharmacy named after A.P. Nelyubin of Sechenov University, professor

Lomaya Tatyana Leonidovna
Executive Director, Head of Pharmaceutical Projects Department, JSC NPK MEDIANA-FILTER

Ordabaeva Saule Kutymovna
Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry of South Kazakhstan Medical Academy JSC, Professor, Republic of Kazakhstan

Luferov Alexander Nikolaevich
Head of the Department of Pharmaceutical Natural Sciences, Sechenov University
Zolotnikov Alexander Nikolaevich
Chief Researcher, JSC "NPK MEDIANA-FILTER",

Zhiltsov Pavel Alexandrovich
Head of HSE Committee Association, "Kaluga Pharmaceutical cluster"

Frantskevich Evgenia Alexandrovna
Leading expert of HSE Committee, Association "Kaluga Pharmaceutical cluster"

Kartamyshev Ilya Igorevich
Expert of HSE Committee, Association "Kaluga Pharmaceutical cluster"
Belinsky Alexander Grigorievich
Technical Director, PQE CIS
Zelinskaya Elena Valerievna
Quality Director, Pharma Capital LLC

Vasiliev Vladimir Igorevich
Deputy Executive Director, JSC "NPK MEDIANA-FILTER"

Trukhin Alexey Andreevich
Senior Lecturer at the Department of Medical Physics of National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Medical Physicist at the Department of Radionuclide Therapy of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center of Endocrinology" of the Ministry of Health of Russia

Kolganov Ivan Mikhailovich
Head of Laboratory, Obninsk Filters LLC

Perelygin Vladimir Veniaminovich
Professor, Head of the Department of Industrial Ecology

Sukhov Vyacheslav Yurievich
Head of the Laboratory of Isotope Methods of Diagnostics and Treatment, Radiologist

Malankina Elena Lvovna
Professor of the Department of Vegetable Growing of the Institute of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture of the Russian State Agrarian University named after K.A. Timiryazeva
Olga Georgievna Potanina
Professor of the Department of Pharmacognosy and Industrial Pharmacy, Faculty of Fundamental Medicine, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov
Farhad H. Shirazi
Руководитель фармацевтического исследовательского центра, профессор Медицинского университета имени Шахида Бехешти, Фаршад Хоссейни Ширази - Исследовательский центр фармацевтических наук, Университет медицинских наук Шахида Бехешти, PharmD, MSc, PhD, FRClPh, FMedEth Тегеран, Иран.

Vlasova Oksana Petrovna
V.s.s. Laboratory of Experimental Nuclear Medicine (ENM)

Khamidulina Khalidya Khizbulaevna
Director of the Russian Register of Potentially Hazardous Chemical and Biological Substances, Federal Budgetary Institution of Sciences Federal Scientific Center for Genetic Genetics named after. F.F. Erisman of Rospotrebnadzor, Head of the Department of Hygiene of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Further Professional Education RMANPO of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Editor-in-Chief. "Toxicological Bulletin", associate professor